**Competition** (for the 1st birthday of Frenchburger) Nobody found it! It was really hard... We might do this game again for Christmas... easier.

November 2001 - A burger cursor you can download from the download section on all the pages of the site - New background for the site.


The belongs to all those products which shaped the twentieth century economy, our daily lifeand, finally, a part of our culture.

But the is at first part of the dream of the poor migrants sailing to America expecting to eat meat everyday? It may be why the spirit ot the wide North American territories, with their huge herds, is still somewhere in the .

At the beginning, the "Hamburg steak" was served as a piece of cooked minced meat. After the addition of the buns in the early 1890', it was to go along with the rise of fthe industrial society while feeding millions of workes and clerks.

burger mouseThe fast-food was born in the 50', a time which was a decade of a rebirth. People who do not know what was America in the 50' cannot understand how work the United States today and, in a wider way, the whole world.THE book

But let us not forget that to enjoy a does not mean that Europe would become a US clone. The first aim of the fast-food is not to americanize the European society but to offer food whenever you want, wherever you want. Pizzas, welsh rabbits, ... are not a synonymous of a Europeanization ot the American society.

Indeed, the has been beside our own behaviours. The way it progressed in "I'm speedee!"Europe and the part it may play in the social life are not at all in opposition to our roots and gastronomical culture. After all, let us not forget that the french philosopher, Roland Barthes, wrote about the "steack-frites", that specific french familial dish : "The french fried potatoe is patriotic just as the steack is."

This site is dedicated to all those who fight all kinds of integrisms, self-confinement and, more generally, any freedom-killing acts.

Contact me : Pierre BERNARD

-site designed by maintained by Quentin BERNARD-